10 February 2015 Canadian Paediatric Society 2305 St. Laurent Blvd Ottawa, ON K1G 4J8 Attn: Fetus and Newborn Committee cc. Dr. Robert Moriartey, MD, Canadian Paediatric Society President Dear Colleagues, As we await the Canadian Paediatric Society’s expected policy…
CHHRP’s Follow Up letter to the Canadian Paediatric Society Male Infant Circumcision Policy Committee, Feb. 10, 2015
CPS Policy Media Fund success!
A huge thank you to everyone for your thoughtful donations towards our successful Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) media response campaign. Special mention to George Vuckovic for his extra awesome donation! All funds raised during this campaign have been earmarked toward…
CHHRP responds to the CDC
The Children’s Health & Human Rights Partnership is Canada’s premiere not-for-profit group of health care professionals and scholars devoted to protecting the genital health and human rights of Canada’s male, female, and intersex children. We realize that CDC recommendations can…
Promoting children’s health & human rights via education
The Children’s Health & Human Rights Partnership is initiating a Media Fund. Our first project involves raising $1500 by November 30th to pay for professional dissemination of CHHRP’s official response to the upcoming infant circumcision policy statement that could be…
CHHRP’s own Dr. Guest presented “Medical and Ethical Opposition to Male Circumcision” at 2014 Birth and Beyond Conference in London, Ontario this October.
The Children’s Health and Human Rights Partnership (CHHRP) was pleased to participate, for the third time, at the Birth and Beyond Conference in London, Ontario. Dr. Guest presented the following talk: Medical and Ethical Opposition to Male Circumcision This presentation…
Letter to the Canadian Paediatric Society Male Infant Circumcision Policy Committee May 19, 2014
19 May 2014 To the members of the Canadian Paediatric Society Male Infant Circumcision Policy Committee cc. Dr. Andrew Lynk, MD, Canadian Paediatric Society President The Children’s Health & Human Rights Partnership (CHHRP) is Canada’s first dedicated not-for-profit partnership of…
Dr. Guest Lecture – Cambridge, Ontario
May 22, 2014 Cambridge, Ontario Born Midwives/CHHRP circumcision education event. Thanks to all for turning up, organizing, and helping out!
Circumcision – Medical and Ethical Opposition
Speaking to expectant parents about circumcision is challenging. How can health care providers ensure they are providing current, evidence-based information which takes into account their professional ethical responsibilities? Join Dr. Christopher Guest, MD, FRCPC, for an in-depth exploration of: the…
Call For Abstracts
The National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (USA), Intact America, Genital Autonomy (UK and Australia), and the Sexpo Foundation (Finland) present GENITAL AUTONOMY 2014 “Whole Bodies, Whole Selves: Activating Social Change” The 13th International Symposium on Genital Autonomy and…
Birth & Beyond – London, Ontario
The Children’s Health & Human Rights Partnership was invited once again to the incredible Birth and Beyond Conference, in London, Ontario November 7, 8 & 9th, 2013. CHHRP’s Medical Director, Dr. Christopher Guest, presented a compelling lecture on medical and…