Promoting children’s health & human rights via education

The Children’s Health & Human Rights Partnership is initiating a Media Fund. Our first project involves raising $1500 by November 30th to pay for professional dissemination of CHHRP’s official response to the upcoming infant circumcision policy statement that could be released by the Canadian Paediatric Society in the coming month or two. CHHRP plans to disseminate its response to the media via Marketwire, a pricey but effective means of media outreach that will target newspaper and television outlets, with a focus on health, parenting, and social issue editors.


• All funds raised during this specific Indiegogo fundraiser will be earmarked toward paying for a targeted media response to the anticipated Canadian Paediatric Society policy revision.

• If we are unsuccessful in hitting our target goal for this particular media campaign, we will still mount a response. However, the more funds we raise, the bolder and louder our response will be. If we exceed out target goal, we’ll take out some VERY large advertisements and consider any other suggestions you want to send our way.

Please help us to reach our goal. Any contribution, no matter how small, is very much appreciated.

Copyright © 2016 Children’s Health & Human Rights Partnership