The Children’s Health & Human Rights Partnership was founded in 2012 by a collaborative team of children’s rights advocates.
Dr. Christopher Guest, MD, FRCPC is Chief of Radiology at the Royal Victoria Regional Hospital in Barrie, ON. Dr. Guest has been a children’s rights advocate since 1994, and has produced educational videos, presented at workshops and medical conferences, and published a number of written pieces on the subject of children’s rights since that time.
Kira Antinuk, RN, BScN, MN has been a children’s rights advocate since 2003. She is the recipient of the 2013 Paul Wainwright Nursing Ethics Prize, and the author of “Forced genital cutting in North America: Feminist theory & nursing considerations”, published in the international peer-reviewed Nursing Ethics journal. Kira currently works for the federal government in Victoria, BC.
Tim Hammond is the producer of the documentary “Whose Body, Whose Rights?“, Founder of NOHARMM, Co-Founder of the National Organization of Restoring Men, and Survey Programmer of the Global Survey of Circumcision Harm.
Dave Saving has been a children’s rights advocate since 2008. His focus includes raising awareness of non-consensual genital cutting and its harm. His efforts have been focused on educational workshops and presentations at health professional events as well as creating and maintaining educational websites to promote children’s rights.