Are you in conflict* with your spouse, partner, family, or child’s other parent about genital cutting and your child’s right to bodily integrity?
You are not alone. The Children’s Health & Human Rights Partnership is on your side.
The Children’s Health & Human Rights Partnership can offer support and information, including medical information from our physicians and nurses. We can also provide remote counselling services with a registered social worker.
If the situation cannot be resolved through these means, the Children’s Health & Human Rights Partnership can facilitate a connection with a lawyer who can offer legal information about your child’s rights to bodily integrity and strategies to protect those rights. Our legal partners are dedicated to protecting and promoting children’s rights.
*Please note: if you are currently in an unsafe situation where you and/or your child/children are being threatened or abused, please contact the police by calling 911. For other support, here are some toll free national help lines: