Dr. Christopher Guest of CHHRP discusses the history of circumcision, medical myths surrounding it, and the function and anatomy of the intact penis. This DVD is a powerful resource tool for prenatal education classes and would be a useful addition to any healthcare provider’s lending library. If you know of a family member or friend who is pregnant, tuck one of these into her baby shower gift. You’ll be giving an educational gift that is bound to have ripple effects.
The reviews are in!
“Very well done. Excellent from start to finish! Thank you, Dr. Guest, for telling the truth about the harm of circumcision and exposing the misinformation and myths about this unconscionable human rights violation. Bravo!”
~ Marilyn Milos, RN, Founder of the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers
“The video is a fantastic introduction to anyone who’s new to the issue, from newly pregnant parents-to-be, to friends and family who’d never thought about circumcision until you brought it up.”
~ Intact America
“A new, superbly made video that highlights the *whole* story of circumcision. Well worth watching and sharing.”
~ Saving Our Sons
Ordering Information
To purchase the DVD (Shipping is included), select your shipping option below. Proceeds from DVD sales go directly to the production of the video. Shipping fees are calculated for Canada and the mainland U.S. only. To inquire about international shipping or combine shipping on multiple copies of the DVD, please send us a note here with how many copies you would like and your shipping address.